After owning a cat, somebody may only notice when the cat is hungry and feed it food, without considering whether it actually requires that much food. A cat's body size is the most intuitive way to determine whether it is overeating. Here is a method to visually and physically evaluate your cat's bodily form.
There are roughly five body types of cats: very thin, underweight, Ideal weight, overweight and obese.
Upon observing a cat from the lateral view, one can discern the prominent visibility of its ribs and the concave appearance of its abdomen. Upon looking from the top, the cat's waistline is evident, and the pelvis is higher than the abdomen. Cats of this size are mostly stray cats. At this time, they need to consume sufficient nutrition to ensure physical consumption and maintain basic vital characteristics.
The rib outline is not visible from the lateral view, yet can be detected by touch as a slight sunken in the abdominal region. Upon looking from the top, one can observe the waistline while the pelvis protrudes slightly higher than the abdomen.
Ribs can be felt and there is no excess flab around the waist, the abdomen and rib cage are roughly flat from the lateral view. This is the perfect size for an adult cat.
The stomach slightly droops, and you can feel the flab when shaking his stomach. Upon looking from the top, the abdomen more protrude than the pelvic cavity. You need to control your cat’s diet to avoid being overweight.
When the cat is walking, the stomach shakes. The flab is obvious. When looks down, his stomach is bulging. Due to excess abdominal flab, it is relatively difficult to lift the foot and lick the abdominal fur, so please pay special attention to his diet and groom his fur more frequently.
Based on the above description, check to see if your cat is in good shape!
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